🤔 Do you ever wonder what that popping sound is when you crack your knuckles or receive a chiropractic adjustment? It’s very similar to opening up a can of soda…⠀

The synovial fluid in your joints contains a mix of gases. When a joint is adjusted, the capsule gets stretched and the joint volume increases by about 15%. This creates a partial vacuum and the gas rapidly releases due the the change in pressure. ⠀
It takes about 20 minutes for the gases to return back into the synovial fluid, so that’s why you won’t get another “pop” out of the same joint right away. ⠀
🦴 The reason that the effects a chiropractic adjustment lasts longer than 20 minutes is that your chiropractor has examined your spine and determined the exact joints or joints that aren’t moving properly, and then put a specific force into the body to restore the biomechanics of those joints. ⠀
😬 This is contrasted against “cracking” your own neck or back. You can probably easily get some relief from self-cracking, but since you are most likely just moving the joints that already move well, the relief won’t last long and you may feel the need to continually keep self-adjusting. ⠀
Election season stress is real! If you are feeling achy/tight hips or a sore neck and are noticing you feel the need to “crack” or self-mobilize your joints more than usual, it may be time for a visit!⠀
#oaklandchiropractor #bayareachiropractor