Your one-time purchase unlocks my growing video library of short, sweet movement practices. Most videos are 5-20 minutes long. I blend my experience as a chiropractor, bodyworker, and yoga teacher to bring you gentle & accessible sequences that will help you ease tension, increase mobility, and support healthy joint integrity.
Some promises from me:
-Gender neutral and size inclusive language and movement cues.
-Overall well-rounded movement guidance that doesn't rely on "just stretching" to alleviate tightness.
-Exercises that feel good and safe (and direction/advice for alternatives to try if certain moves aren't feeling so great).
What this ISN'T:
-Sweaty exercise class (I mean, no guarantees you or I won't ever sweat...but this IS NOT a cardio focused class)
-Weight loss focused. I don't mention weight loss, weight gain, or generally numbers or sizes of bodies.
-Yoga flow class. We won't be moving quickly in and out of yoga postures. Slow & steady wins the joint integrity race : )
Sliding scale $1-$20.
The price is set to $1 so that almost everyone has access to this. (If I could host this here for $0 I would).
If you're able to chip in $5 or $10 or even $20 to help me sustain these classes, please Venmo @riverstonechiropractic.
Thanks ya'll!